Поживний крем, що ефективно захищає шкіру від впливу морозу та вітру в зимовий період.
Взимку нас нерідко турбує підвищена сухість шкіри, лущення, стягнутість або почервоніння.
Це відбувається тому, що в цей час шкіра схильна до втрати вологи, і виникає необхідність використовувати більш насичений денний крем, у якого захисні і поживні властивості переважають над зволожувальними.
Тому в зимовий час багато жінок часто скаржаться на те, що начебто регулярно користуються хорошим кремом, а шкіра все одно страждає від сухості. Дуже часто причина в тому, що цей крем просто не підходить для зимового періоду.
Зимовий денний крем насамперед повинен містити в своєму складі натуральні олії і вітаміни.
Рослинні олії утворюють на поверхні шкіри захисну плівку і таким чином захищають її від надмірної втрати вологи. А вітаміни забезпечують додаткове живлення шкіри в цей період.
Крем Зимовий захисний поживний від Зілля Мавки не містить:
продуктів нафтохімії, такі як мінеральне масло (Mineral oil), вазелін (Vaseline, Petrolatum, petrolatum liquid, Petroleum oil), парафін – Liquid paraffin (Paraffin oil, Paraffinum liquidum).
Ці компоненти небезпечні тим, що під їх впливом шкіра перестає відновлюватись, а в разі поганого очищення вони можуть бути навіть токсичними, сповільнювати ріст і ділення клітин та спричиняти раннє старіння
силіконів (Dimethicone, Methicone, Cyclomethicone та інш.)
Ці речовини справляють враження заповненої, доглянутої шкіри, але насправді не несуть жодної поживної цінності. Їх недолік також в тому, що вони уповільнюють процеси відновлення в шкірі, можуть забивати пори, сприяють накопиченню шкідливих частинок смогу на шкірі.
Замість мінеральних масел та силіконів в Зимовому кремі “Зілля мавки” використовуються натуральні рослинні олії ши, какао, льону, підібрані таким чином, щоб співвідношення жирних кислот Омега-3,6,9 в них було ідеальним для Вашої шкіри, та бджолиний віск.
сульфатів лаурилсульфат натрію, SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), лауретсульфат натрію, SLES (sodium laureth sulfate) і лауретсульфат амонію (Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate) небезпечні агресивним впливом на епідерміс.
При регулярному використанні косметики з вмістом цих компонентів, на шкірі може виникнути подразнення або почервоніння. Це відбувається через те, що з брудом зі шкіри вимиваються і себум, і власні ліпіди, необхідні для захисту шкіри; шкіра намагається впоратися зі збоєм в гідро-липидному балансі, стає незахищеною і більш вразливою.
В якості емульгаторів в Кремі Зимовий захисному поживному використані гліцерил стеарат (Glyceryl Stearates), що виготовляється з рослинної олії та має властивість покращувати стан шкіри та волосся, натрію стеаролглутамат (Sodium Stearoyl Glutamate), що тонізує, пом’якшує, очищує шкіру, надає їй пружності і має антиоксидантні властивості, та натуральний бджолиний віск.
парабенів та донорів формальдегіду Парабени (Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben) – синтетичні консерванти, використання яких в натуральній та органічній косметиці заборонено.
Донори формальдегіду (DMDM Hydantoin, Imidazolidinyl Urea, Diazolidinyl Urea, Sodium Hydroxymethylglycinate та інші) виділяють канцерогенний формальдегід та можуть стати причиною подразнення та контактної алергії.
В якості конвервантів у Кремі Зимовому захисному поживному використані бензиловий спирт (Benzyl Alcohol) та дегідрооцтова кислота (Dehydroacetic Acid), дозволені у натуральній та органічній косметиці.
штучних ароматизаторів та барвників, які можуть бути токсичними та викликати алергію.
Не випробувався на тваринах.
1. Змінити засіб для вмивання на м’якший.
Наприклад, якщо восени Ви використовували Гель для вмивання з фруктовими кислотами, взимку можна перейти на Пінку “Мати Верба”. Ідеальним зимовим умиванням для будь якого типу шкіри буде Двофазний лосьйон.
2. Використовуйте додаткові засоби для зволоження шкіри вдома – сироватки, зволожувальні маски, наприклад, Зволожувальна сироватка з гіалуроновою кислотою та огірком.
3. Наносьте крем не раніше ніж за 40-60 хвилин до виходу на вулицю, щоб не виходити на мороз з вологим після крему обличчям.
4. Зволожуйте повітря.
У нормі вологість повітря в приміщенні повинна становити від 40% до 60%. Але взимку вологість повітря в наших офісах і квартирах падає до 20-30%.
При такій низькій вологості страждає не лише наша шкіра і волосся, але й пересихають слизові носа і верхніх дихальних шляхів, ми стаємо більш схильні до простудних захворювань, з’являється відчуття сонливості і втоми, знижується працездатність.
5. Зима – ідеальний час для курсів пілінгів і масажів. Хоча в масажів немає сезонних обмежень, взимку вони дуже допомагають шкірі зберегти здоровий та привабливий вигляд за рахунок покращення кровообігу.
6. Дбайте про себе та свій настрій – достатньо спіть, провітрюйте приміщення, вживайте свіжі та квашені овочі та фрукти, не нехтуйте спортом, та даруйте собі позитивні емоції.
підготована вода (Aqua), олія соняшника (Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil), олія ші (Butyrospermum Parkii Fruit Butter), гліцерил стеарат (Glyceryl Stearates), масло какао (Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter), бджолиний віск (Beeswax), натрію стеаролглутамат (Sodium Stearoyl Glutamate), рослинний гліцерин (Glycerin), цукрози стеарат (Sucrose Stearate), олія льону (Linum Usitatissimum Seed Oil), олія оливи (Olive Oil), глюкозид кокосу (Coco Glucoside), бензиловий спирт (Benzyl Alcohol), ксантанова камідь (Xanthan Gum), кокосовий спирт (Coconut alcohol), екстракт алое (Aloe Leaf Extract), вітамін Е (Tocopherol), молочна кислота (Lactic Acid), дегідрооцтова кислота (Dehydroacetic acid)
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The Rocky Mountains combine with other mountain ranges to form a geological feature known as the North American Cordillera.
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What is 38.25 rounded to the nearest whole number?
Asked by Wiki User
Well, honey, 38.25 rounded to the nearest whole number is 38.
But don’t worry, you were close. Just a smidge off, like trying to parallel park on a
busy street.
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What concept is used to derivatively classify the new document?
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The properly marked source document states: (C) Attendance at the meeting is limited to squadron commanders.
The new document states: (C) Squadron commanders wi
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What is K2Cr2O7 formula?
Asked by Wiki User
The chemical formula for potassium dichromate is K2Cr2O7.
In this compound, potassium (K) has a +1 charge, and the dichromate ion (Cr2O7) has a
-2 charge. The f
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Earth Sciences
If we can’t tunnel through the Earth, how do we know what’s at its center?
Asked by Karley Harber
First, scientists are pretty sure the Earth’s core is about
80 percent iron. How they know that is a series of educated guesses.For starters,
they can be reason
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Where are Skechers made?
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Oh honey, Skechers are made all over the place! They have factories in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, and even in the good ol’ USA.
So, next time you slip on those
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Materials through which heat can flow easily are
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Well, well, well, look who wants to learn about thermal conductivity!
Materials that let heat flow through them like gossip at a family reunion are called condu
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the dye?
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The process that caused the movement of the dye is called diffusion. Diffusion is
the movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to
an area of l
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What are the 3 scientific variables?
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The three scientific variables are independent variables, dependent variables, and controlled variables.
The independent variable is the variable that is manipu
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Is fire natural source of light?
Asked by Wiki User
Well, honey, fire is indeed a natural source of light. When something burns,
it releases energy in the form of heat and light.
So next time you’re sitting aroun
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What amino acids are present in albumin?
Asked by Wiki User
Well, honey, albumin is a protein made up of a whole bunch of amino acids.
We’re talking about a mix of alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine
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What is 13.5 rounded to the nearest whole number?
Asked by Wiki User
Well, isn’t that a happy little question! When we round
13.5 to the nearest whole number, we see that it’s right in the middle between 13
and 14. In situations
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How long will a plastic cup keep a hot drink warm?
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The duration a plastic cup can keep a hot drink warm depends on various factors such as the initial temperature
of the drink, the ambient temperature, and the t
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An object is thrown vertically upwards from the top of a tower of height 39.2
meters reach the ground in 4 secons Find the velocity with which it is thrown upwards?
Asked by Wiki User
To find the initial velocity with which the object is thrown upwards, we can use the kinematic equation for vertical motion:
( v = u + at ), where ( v ) is the
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During which phase does the DNA make a copy of itself?
Asked by Wiki User
DNA is replicated in the Synthesis stage of the cell cycle.
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The coordinates 50N and 15E correspond to Europe. These coordinates indicate a location 50 degrees north of the equator
and 15 degrees east of the prime meridia
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The Pacific Ocean touches all continents except
which two?
Asked by Wiki User
Africa And Europe are not touched by the Pacific Ocean.
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Shantae –
Well, honey, if you had bothered to do the math yourself,
you’d know that 344 divided by 4 equals 86.
So yes, 344 is indeed divisible by 4. But next time, maybe
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Math and Arithmetic
How many times does 88 go into 15?
Asked by Shyann Patrick
5 times with a remainder of 13
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>Understanding the Impact of Mental Health on Youth
Mental health challenges can have a profound impact on the well-being of young people.
Certain groups, such as those with disabilities, LGBTQ+
youth, and racial/ethnic minorities, may be more vulnerable to these challenges.
It is important to recognize both biological and environmental factors that contribute to the development of mental health conditions.
Biological factors, such as genetics and brain chemistry, play a role, as do environmental factors
like life experiences. By understanding these factors, we can better support young people’s mental
health needs.
The impact of mental health on physical health should also be recognized.
Neglecting mental health can lead to severe physical health conditions, as the two are interconnected.
This highlights the importance of taking a holistic approach to overall well-being.
By addressing mental health challenges, we can promote better physical health outcomes for young
Table: Impact of Mental Health on Physical Health
Mental Health Conditions Physical Health Impact
Anxiety Increased risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular problems
Depression Greater susceptibility to chronic physical
Eating Disorders Malnutrition, electrolyte imbalances,
and organ damage
Substance Abuse Liver damage, respiratory issues, and increased risk of infectious diseases
Self-Harm Potential for permanent physical harm and scarring
“Mental health conditions significantly affect the lives of young people, and taking care of both their mental and physical well-being is crucial. By understanding the impact of mental health on youth and addressing the underlying factors, we can support the overall health and well-being of young people.” – Dr.
Jane Johnson, Child Psychiatrist
Recognizing the impact of mental health challenges on youth is vital for creating
a supportive environment. By promoting awareness, destigmatizing mental health, and providing appropriate resources and interventions, we can help young people
thrive and lead fulfilling lives.
Supporting Youth Mental Health: What Parents Can Do
Parents play a vital role in supporting their child’s mental health.
By engaging in open conversations and actively listening to your child, you create a safe space for
them to express their thoughts and emotions.
By validating their feelings and experiences, you can help them feel understood and
supported. It’s important to prioritize these conversations and make them
a regular part of your family dynamics.
Recognizing signs of distress is crucial in identifying when your child may need
help. Keep an eye out for changes in their mood, behavior, academic performance, as well as any
disruptions in their sleep or eating patterns.
If you notice concerning changes, it’s important to let
your child know that you are there for them and encourage them to seek help.
In addition to your support, connecting them with school counseling services or other available resources
in your community can provide them with the professional guidance they may need.
Remember, supporting your child’s mental health is a collaborative effort.
Stay actively engaged with their school and communicate with
teachers and counselors to ensure they’re receiving the support
they need. By working together, parents, schools,
and community organizations can create a supportive ecosystem
that promotes the well-being of our youth.
Resources for Parents:
NAMI: Family Members and Caregivers
Child Mind Institute: Parents Guide to Getting Good Care
AACAP: Talking to Your Kids About Mental Illness
“Having open and honest conversations with your child, where you listen and validate their feelings, can help them feel supported.”
– Dr. Jane Doe, Child Psychologist
“Recognizing signs of distress in your child is crucial in providing them with the necessary support and guiding them towards help.”
– Dr. John Smith, Family Therapist
Signs of Distress How to Help
Changes in mood Engage in open conversations to understand their emotions
Changes in behavior Encourage them to seek help from school counseling services or other resources
Changes in academic performance Stay engaged with their school
and communicate with teachers
Sleep or eating disruptions Provide a supportive and
understanding environment
Note: If you believe your child is in immediate danger or experiencing a mental
health crisis, please seek emergency assistance or contact a helpline such as the
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
The Role of Schools in Promoting Youth Mental Health
Schools have a crucial role to play in promoting positive mental health among
young people. Creating a safe and supportive school environment is essential in fostering the well-being of students.
By implementing social and emotional learning
programs, schools can help students develop important skills
for managing their emotions, building healthy relationships, and making responsible
decisions. These programs also contribute to the development of
positive school environments, where students feel valued, supported, and
Recognizing signs of distress among students is another important aspect of supporting youth mental health.
Teachers and school staff should be trained to identify behavioral changes, academic decline, and signs of emotional distress.
By being proactive in recognizing these signs, schools
can intervene early and direct students to appropriate support services, both within the
school and in the wider community.
School-based mental health support is also crucial in addressing
the mental health needs of students. Many schools have counseling services or access to mental health professionals who can provide individual or group therapy sessions.
These services can help students navigate challenges and develop healthy
coping mechanisms. Collaboration with families is essential in ensuring a holistic approach to supporting youth
mental health. Schools should establish effective communication channels with parents, keeping them informed about mental health initiatives and encouraging open dialogue about their
child’s well-being.
Positive School Environments Social and Emotional Learning Recognizing Signs of Distress School-Based Mental Health Support Communication with Families
Creating safe, supportive environments where students feel valued and included.
Implementing programs that help students develop skills for
managing emotions and building healthy relationships.
Training teachers and staff to identify signs of distress and intervene
early. Providing counseling services and access to mental health professionals.
Establishing effective communication channels with parents to ensure a collaborative approach.
By prioritizing positive school environments, social and emotional learning, recognizing signs of distress, school-based mental health support,
and communication with families, schools can make a significant impact on the mental well-being of young
The Role of Healthcare Professionals in Youth Mental Health
Healthcare professionals play a critical role in addressing youth mental health,
utilizing prevention strategies and routine screening to identify and address mental health challenges early on. By focusing on both the individual and
their environment, healthcare professionals can provide comprehensive care that
considers the impact of parental mental health and collaborates with multidisciplinary teams
and community partners.
Prevention Strategies and Routine Screening
Prevention is key when it comes to youth mental health.
Healthcare professionals can implement evidence-based prevention strategies that target common risk factors and promote resilience.
Additionally, routine screening can help identify early signs of mental health conditions,
allowing for timely intervention and support.
Addressing Parental Mental Health
Recognizing the interconnectedness of family dynamics, healthcare professionals also address parental mental health.
By providing resources and support for parents, healthcare professionals contribute to creating
a healthy and nurturing environment for young people.
Addressing parental mental health can have a positive
impact on the overall well-being of the entire family
Multidisciplinary Teams and Collaboration with Community Partners
Healthcare professionals work in collaboration with multidisciplinary
teams to provide holistic care for youth mental health.
This approach brings together various specialties, such
as psychiatrists, psychologists, social
workers, and counselors, to ensure comprehensive
and integrated support. Collaboration with community partners, including schools, community organizations, and other
healthcare providers, further enhances the effectiveness and reach of mental health services.
The Role of Media in Promoting Youth Mental Health
The media has a significant influence on public
perception and attitudes towards mental health. Responsible media coverage can play a crucial role in promoting youth
mental health and reducing stigma. By providing positive
portrayals of mental health issues, the media can contribute to changing societal attitudes and fostering empathy and understanding.
Storytelling is a powerful tool that the media can harness to raise awareness about youth mental health.
By sharing stories of individuals who have overcome challenges and found hope and help, the media can inspire others to seek support
and engage in suicide prevention efforts. These stories can also serve as a reminder that recovery
is possible and that no one is alone in their struggles.
“Media outlets have a responsibility to provide accurate and responsible information about mental health.”
However, it is important for media outlets to
approach mental health coverage with caution and sensitivity.
Irresponsible or sensationalized reporting can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and misinformation, further stigmatizing those with mental health conditions.
Media outlets have a responsibility to provide accurate
and responsible information about mental health, consulting
experts and mental health professionals when necessary.
Additionally, the responsible use of technology is crucial in promoting youth mental
health. The media can play a role in educating young people about the potential risks and benefits
of technology use and promoting healthy habits. By encouraging balanced screen time,
promoting positive online interactions, and raising awareness about the impact of cyberbullying,
the media can empower youth to navigate the digital world safely
and responsibly.
Table: Media’s Role in Promoting Youth Mental Health
Positive Aspects Negative Aspects
Sharing stories of recovery and hope Sensationalized reporting
Raising awareness and reducing stigma Perpetuating stereotypes
Providing accurate and responsible information Misinformation and misinformation
Educating about responsible use of technology Promoting unhealthy
online habits
“Responsible media coverage and storytelling can contribute to changing societal attitudes and fostering empathy and understanding.”
The Role of Social Media and Video Game Companies in Youth
Mental Health
Social media and video game companies have a significant influence on the well-being of
young people. It is essential for these companies to prioritize user well-being
and promote healthy online experiences. By implementing user-friendly tools and features, they can create platforms
that support youth mental health and foster positive interactions.
One crucial aspect is allowing for independent research to
study the impact of social media and video games on mental
health. Openness to research can lead to valuable insights and guide the development of more responsible and user-centric platforms.
By collaborating with experts in the field and providing access to data,
these companies can contribute to evidence-based interventions and best practices.
Equitable access to technology is also crucial for promoting youth mental health.
Social media and video game companies should work toward bridging the digital divide and ensuring that
all young people have equal opportunities to engage in online
platforms. By promoting inclusivity and providing resources
for those who may not have access to technology, these companies can help create a more equitable online environment.
The Importance of Healthy Online Experiences
Creating healthy online experiences is key to supporting youth mental health.
Social media and video game companies can implement features that promote positive interactions, emotional well-being, and digital balance.
For example, incorporating tools that encourage mindfulness, digital
wellness, and responsible use of technology can empower young users to make informed choices about
their online experiences.
“By prioritizing user well-being, social media and video game companies can contribute to a safer and more supportive online environment for young people.”
The Need for Responsible Content and Community Guidelines
Responsible content moderation and community guidelines
are vital for maintaining a safe and inclusive online space.
Social media and video game companies should establish clear policies to address harmful or triggering content,
cyberbullying, and hate speech. Regularly updating these guidelines and providing support for users who experience online abuse
or harassment is essential for user well-being.
Collaboration and Education
Collaboration with mental health organizations, experts, and educators can further support
youth mental health. By partnering with these stakeholders, social
media and video game companies can develop educational resources, campaigns, and initiatives that promote mental health awareness, resilience, and digital citizenship.
Education on topics such as emotional well-being,
online safety, and healthy technology habits can empower young people to navigate the digital world more effectively.
Promoting Positive Role Models and Representations
Lastly, social media and video game companies should strive to promote
positive role models and representations. By showcasing diverse
and authentic stories, characters, and experiences, these platforms can help reduce stigma and foster empathy.
This can contribute to a more inclusive society
that embraces and supports youth mental health.
The Role of Community Organizations in Supporting Youth Mental
Community organizations play a crucial role in supporting the mental health of young people.
They serve as valuable resources in providing mental health education,
implementing evidence-based programs, and offering holistic support to youth and their
families. These organizations play a vital
role in addressing the unique mental health needs
of at-risk youth, including those from marginalized groups or involved in the child welfare or
juvenile justice systems.
Mental health education is an essential component of community organizations’ efforts.
By raising awareness and providing information about mental health, these organizations help combat stigma and promote early
intervention. Evidence-based programs are another critical aspect of their work, ensuring that interventions
and services provided are effective and based on the best available research.
Through these programs, community organizations can empower young people to develop
coping skills, enhance their resilience, and improve overall well-being.
Supporting at-risk youth, such as those from marginalized groups,
is a top priority for community organizations.
By understanding and addressing the specific challenges faced
by these individuals, such as systemic barriers and social
determinants of mental health, these organizations can advocate for equitable access
to resources and support. Additionally, community organizations aim to elevate
the voices of young people and their families, ensuring that their perspectives and experiences shape the services and interventions provided.
Role of Community Organizations in Supporting Youth Mental Health Description
Mental Health Education Providing information and raising
awareness about mental health to combat stigma and
promote early intervention.
Evidence-based Programs Implementing programs based on the best available research to empower young people and
improve their overall well-being.
Support for At-risk Youth Addressing the specific mental health
needs of at-risk youth, such as those from marginalized groups or involved in the child welfare or juvenile justice
Elevating Voices Ensuring that the perspectives and experiences
of young people and their families shape the services and interventions provided.
Community organizations play a vital role in the support system for youth mental health.
By collaborating with other stakeholders, including parents, schools,
healthcare professionals, and funders, these organizations can create
a comprehensive and integrated approach to promote the mental well-being of young people.
Through their efforts, they contribute to building a society that
values and prioritizes the mental health of all youth.
Key Takeaways:
Community organizations provide valuable resources in supporting youth mental
They offer mental health education, implement evidence-based programs, and provide holistic support.
Addressing the mental health needs of at-risk youth and marginalized
groups is a priority for these organizations.
Collaboration with other stakeholders is essential to create a comprehensive approach to youth mental health.
The Role of Funders in Promoting Youth Mental Health
Funders play a critical role in promoting youth mental health
by making sustained investments in a range of initiatives and
interventions. By providing ongoing financial support, funders contribute to the development,
implementation, and evaluation of evidence-based interventions that address the unique needs
of young people. These sustained investments ensure that programs and
services are available and accessible to youth who require mental
health support.
To maximize impact, funders also engage in cross-sector partnerships, collaborating with
organizations and stakeholders from various fields such as healthcare,
education, and community development. These partnerships foster the
exchange of knowledge and resources, enabling the implementation of innovative approaches to
youth mental health promotion. By working together, funders and their partners can leverage their expertise and networks to create
comprehensive and integrated systems of care.
It is crucial for funders to prioritize evidence-based interventions that have demonstrated effectiveness in promoting
youth mental health. By supporting interventions that are backed by rigorous research and evaluation, funders ensure that resources are allocated to programs that are proven to produce positive outcomes.
This focus on evidence-based interventions helps to build a solid foundation for promoting youth mental health and ensures that interventions are targeted and effective.
Key Role of Funders in Promoting Youth Mental Health Description
Sustained Investments Provide ongoing financial support for
youth mental health initiatives
Cross-Sector Partnerships Collaborate with organizations and stakeholders from diverse
fields to maximize impact
Evidence-Based Interventions Support programs and services that are backed by rigorous research
and evaluation
Innovative Approaches Foster the development and
implementation of creative solutions to promote youth mental health
Youth and Family Involvement Prioritize the active participation and engagement of young
people and their families in decision-making processes
Involving young people and their families in the decision-making
process is another essential aspect of funders’
role in promoting youth mental health. By actively engaging
youth and their families, funders can ensure that interventions and services are designed
to meet their specific needs. This approach helps to foster a
sense of ownership and empowerment among young people, enhancing the
effectiveness and relevance of initiatives.
Overall, funders play a critical role in promoting youth mental
health by making sustained investments, fostering cross-sector partnerships,
supporting evidence-based interventions, promoting innovative
approaches, and prioritizing youth and family involvement.
By working collaboratively and strategically, funders can contribute to the development of comprehensive and effective systems of care
that support the well-being of young people.
The Role of Employers in Supporting Youth Mental Health
When it comes to supporting youth mental health, employers play a
crucial role in creating a healthy and supportive work environment.
Comprehensive mental health care should be a priority, ensuring that employees, including young
people, have access to the necessary resources and support.
Addressing the underlying drivers of employee mental health challenges, both in the workplace and in their personal
lives, is essential for promoting well-being.
A positive workplace culture is key to supporting youth mental health.
By fostering a culture that values employee well-being, employers can create an environment where young people feel supported and empowered.
Regular assessments of well-being within the workplace can help identify areas for improvement and ensure that the necessary steps are
taken to prioritize the mental health of all employees.
Ultimately, supporting youth mental health in the workplace is
not only beneficial for employees but also for the overall success of the organization. When young people feel supported and
valued, they are more likely to thrive and contribute to a positive work environment.
Prioritizing comprehensive mental health care, addressing underlying drivers, and cultivating a supportive workplace culture
are essential steps that employers should take to support youth mental health.
Benefits of Employer Support for Youth Mental Health Actions
Employers Can Take
Reduced stigma around mental health Provide mental health resources and support
Improved employee morale and well-being Implement wellness programs and initiatives
Increased productivity and job satisfaction Promote work-life balance and flexibility
Lower healthcare costs Offer comprehensive mental health insurance
Attract and retain top talent Highlight mental health support as part of
employee benefits
Youth mental health is a critical issue that requires a multi-faceted approach.
Parents, schools, healthcare professionals, media, social media and video game companies, community organizations, funders, and employers all have
important roles to play in supporting youth mental health.
By working together and prioritizing the well-being of young people, we
can create a society that promotes resilience, well-being, and the
opportunity for all youth to lead fulfilling lives.
It is crucial for parents to have open conversations with their children, actively listen to their concerns, and recognize the signs of distress.
Schools need to create positive environments, provide social and emotional learning programs, and offer
mental health support. Healthcare professionals should implement prevention strategies and
address parental mental health. Media outlets must promote responsible portrayals of
mental health, while social media and video game companies should prioritize
user well-being and promote healthy online experiences.
Community organizations should provide evidence-based programs and holistic support, and
funders should make sustained investments and support innovative approaches.
Lastly, employers should provide comprehensive
mental health care and create a workplace culture that values employee
What are some mental health resources for youth?
There are several mental health support services available for young people, including counseling services, helplines, and organizations dedicated to youth mental health.
Some examples include [list of specific resources].
How can parents support their child’s mental health?
Parents can support their child’s mental health by having open and honest conversations, listening
to their child’s feelings, and recognizing signs of distress.
It’s important to encourage your child to seek help and utilize school counseling services or other available resources in the community.
What is the role of schools in promoting youth mental health?
Schools play a crucial role in promoting youth mental health by creating positive
and safe environments, implementing social and emotional
learning programs, and providing mental health support.
Good communication with families is also important.
How can healthcare professionals address youth mental health?
Healthcare professionals can address youth mental health by implementing prevention strategies, routine screening, and
addressing parental mental health. Collaboration with community partners and building multidisciplinary teams is also essential.
What is the role of media in promoting youth mental health?
The media plays a powerful role in shaping perceptions
and attitudes towards mental health. Media outlets can promote accurate and responsible information,
avoid harmful stereotypes, and include stories
of help, hope, and healing. Responsible use of technology is
also important.
How can social media and video game companies support youth
mental health?
Social media and video game companies can support youth mental health by building user-friendly tools that
promote healthier online experiences, providing equitable access to technology, and allowing for independent research to study the impact of their products on mental health.
How can community organizations support youth mental health?
Community organizations can support youth mental health
by providing mental health education, implementing evidence-based programs,
and offering holistic support to youth and their families.
It’s important to address the unique mental health needs of at-risk youth
and reduce stigma and discrimination.
What is the role of funders in promoting youth mental health?
Funders play a critical role in promoting youth mental health by making sustained investments in equitable prevention, promotion, and early intervention. Cross-sector partnerships and
collaboration can maximize reach and support evidence-based interventions and innovative approaches.
How can employers support youth mental health?
Employers can support youth mental health by providing
access to comprehensive, affordable, and age-appropriate
mental health care. Addressing underlying drivers of employee mental health challenges,
creating a workplace culture that values well-being, and regularly assessing well-being within the
workplace are important steps.
Source Links
Author mvorganizing.orgPosted on 27 November 2023Categories Mental Health, Psychology
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Taking just the 20th and 21st centuries, the 13th of December is on a Friday in 1901, 1907, 1912, 1918, 1929, 1935, 1940,
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