420 грн.
Є в наявності
Ефективний натуральний крем, що використовує найновіші наукові досягнення, для боротьби з “промінчиками” та набряками навколо очей.
Бореться з проявами старіння по всіх напрямках: зменшує скорочення м’язів, що утворюють зморшки, підтягує шкіру, робить її більш щільною та наповненою, усуває набряклість та темні кола.
При регулярному використанні двічі на день протягом двох тижнів мімічні зморшки стають менш вираженими, світлішають темні кола, зменшується вираженість “мішків” під очима, погляд стає більш відкритим та “ясним”.
Крем для повік з ефектом ботоксу “Синевир” від Зілля Мавки не містить:
продуктів нафтохімії, такі як мінеральне масло (Mineral oil), вазелін (Vaseline, Petrolatum, petrolatum liquid, Petroleum oil), парафін – Liquid paraffin (Paraffin oil, Paraffinum liquidum).
Ці компоненти небезпечні тим, що під їх впливом шкіра перестає відновлюватись, а в разі поганого очищення вони можуть бути навіть токсичними, сповільнювати ріст і ділення клітин та спричиняти раннє старіння
силіконів (Dimethicone, Methicone, Cyclomethicone та інш.)
Ці речовини справляють враження заповненої, доглянутої шкіри, але насправді не несуть жодної поживної цінності. Їх недолік також в тому, що вони уповільнюють процеси відновлення в шкірі, можуть забивати пори, сприяють накопиченню шкідливих частинок смогу на шкірі.
Замість мінеральних масел та силіконів в Кремі для повік “Синевир” використовуються натуральні рослинні олії макадамії, сасанкви, чорної смородини, шипшини і виноградної кісточки, підібрані таким чином, щоб співвідношення жирних кислот Омега-3,6,9 в них було ідеальним для ніжної шкіри навколо очей.
сульфатів лаурилсульфат натрію, SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), лауретсульфат натрію, SLES (sodium laureth sulfate) і лауретсульфат амонію (Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate) небезпечні агресивним впливом на епідерміс.
При регулярному використанні косметики з вмістом цих компонентів, на шкірі може виникнути подразнення або почервоніння. Це відбувається через те, що з брудом зі шкіри вимиваються і себум, і власні ліпіди, необхідні для захисту шкіри; шкіра намагається впоратися зі збоєм в гідро-липидному балансі, стає незахищеною і більш вразливою.
В якості емульгатора в Кремі для шкіри навколо очей “Синевир” використаний натуральний емульгатор нового покоління Olivem-1000 (Cetearyl Olivate, Sorbitan Olivate), створений на основі оливкової олії. Це – збалансований комплекс жирних кислот, хімічний склад яких точно відтворює ліпідний (жировий) склад людської шкіри, здатний створювати рідкокристалічні, ламелярні емульсії, що повторюють структуру ліпідів шкіри. На матричному рівні емульгатор створює імітацію клітин шкіри, захищаючи її.
Оскільки цей емульгатор моделює клітин шкіри, його застосування у косметиці омолоджує, підтягує, надає тонус навіть найніжнішим ділянкам обличчя і тіла.
парабенів та донорів формальдегіду Парабени (Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben) – синтетичні консерванти, використання яких в натуральній та органічній косметиці заборонено.
Донори формальдегіду (DMDM Hydantoin, Imidazolidinyl Urea, Diazolidinyl Urea, Sodium Hydroxymethylglycinate та інші) виділяють канцерогенний формальдегід та можуть стати причиною подразнення та контактної алергії.
В якості консервантів у Кремі від мімічних зморшок “Синевир” використані екстракти кори верби чорної, імбиру, індійського кмину, орегано, гвоздики, куркуми, солодки, хмелю, шавлії, а також комплекс екстрактів ферментів лактобактерій та плодів кокосу, і харчовий консервант сорбат калію (Рotassium sorbate), дозволений у натуральній та органічній косметиці.
штучних ароматизаторів та барвників, які можуть бути токсичними та викликати алергію.
Не випробувався на тваринах
Не містить компонентів тваринного походження
Шкіра навколо очей завжди тонша і сухіша за шкіру інших ділянок обличчя, легше розтягується, саме тут в першу чергу утворюються зморшечки, і тому вона потребує спеціальних засобів і окремого догляду.
Жодні засоби ніколи не наносяться на рухомі повіки, адже це може спричинити потрапляння їх в очі, печіння та набряки.
Крем або сироватку в мінімальній кількості (як одна-дві сірникові голівки) наносять похлопуючими рухами подушечками безіменних пальців по контуру глазниці, по самій кісточці.
Якщо потрібна інтенсивна дія проти зморшок, доцільно разом з кремом використовувати пептидну сироватку, що діє в синергії з речовинами крему.
Сонячні окуляри не лише дозволяють не мружитись зайвий раз, але й захистять шкіру від дії ультрафіолетового випромінювання.
І нехай Ваші очі будуть прекрасні!
Склад: вода, гідролат волошки, Олівем1000, Repulpami ER (комплекс екстрактів квітів білого гібіскуса та плодів баобабу), екстракт верби чорної, Leucidal Liquid Complete (комплекс екстрактів ферментів редьки, лактобактерій та екстракту плодів кокосу), олія макадамії, EyeLiss (комплекс пептидів), олія сасанкви, олія чорної смородини, олія шипшини, олія виноградної кісточки, Isononyl isononanoate, стеариловый спирт, сорбат калію, вітамін Е, гуарова камідь, молочна кислота, екстракти корня імбиру, корня васабі, часника, насіння індійського кмину, листя орегано, бутонів гвоздики, коріння куркуми, коріння солодки, шишок хмелю та листя шавлії
Діюча речовина Repulpami ER була розроблена на базі двох рослин: Білий Гібіскус и Баобаб.
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Richardwen –
A ring found among the debris of Florida’s recent hurricanes awaits its owner
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Scattered across Florida’s hurricane-ravaged communities are piles of debris, remnants of what were once homes. Cherished memories — photo albums, family heirlooms, and tokens of love — swallowed by floodwaters and carried miles away, are now reduced to mere fragments and discarded amid the wreckage.
But in one of these piles of lost memories, a small, inconspicuous velvet black box was discovered with a ring and a note that read: “I was 18 when my parents gave it to me.”
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Now, Joe Kovach, the engineer managing one of the debris sites in Tarpon Springs, Florida, where the box was found, is searching for its owner.
“Everyone has been basically dumping their entire lives onto the curb after the storm when everything flooded. My own boss’ house had 30 inches (of water) in it, and I saw his face and just how devastating it can be for everyone,” Kovach, an engineer with Pinellas County Public Works, told CNN.
“A lot of people in the community were really affected by these two storms, if there’s just a little bit I can do to give back, then that’s perfect.”
A contractor, who was gathering and condensing debris with an excavator, discovered the ring when he looked down and saw the box.
“This was a needle in a haystack for sure. For something like that to survive all that when everything else was so wet and saturated, that was kind of incredible,” Kovach said.
Although the ring was found after Hurricane Milton, Kovach is sure the treasure was initially lost amid the ruins of Hurricane Helene, based on the pile of debris it came from, which Pinellas County Public Works tracks. It is likely the owner of the ring is from Crystal Beach, Ozona, or Palm Harbor, Kovach said.
On Tuesday, after the contractor informed him about the ring, Kovach posted a photo of the box and the note on several local community Facebook pages, asking if it belonged to anyone. He did not include a photo or description of the ring to ensure it is returned to the rightful owner who can accurately describe it. On the inside lid of the box is a gold engraving with the jewelry brand, “The Danbury Mint.”
Jeffreyisozy –
Chainlist: Simplifying Blockchain Connections
In the evolving world of cryptocurrencies, Chainlist emerges as a pivotal tool for users looking to seamlessly interact with various blockchain networks. Understanding what Chainlist offers and how it operates can significantly enhance your crypto experience.
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What is Chainlist?
Chainlist is a user-friendly platform designed to facilitate easy connections between crypto wallets and blockchain networks. It caters to both new and experienced crypto users by providing a comprehensive list of blockchain networks that can be accessed with just a few clicks.
Key Features of Chainlist
Extensive Network List: Chainlist provides access to a vast selection of blockchain networks, ensuring users can connect to the network of their choice with ease.
Seamless Wallet Integration: With Chainlist, users can connect their crypto wallets such as MetaMask efficiently, facilitating quick and secure transactions.
User-Friendly Interface: The platform’s intuitive design ensures a smooth user experience, making it easy for beginners to navigate through different blockchain networks.
Why Use Chainlist?
Using Chainlist can considerably enhance your blockchain interactions by simplifying the network connection process. Here are some reasons why you should consider using Chainlist:
Reduce Errors: Minimize the chances of manually inputting incorrect network details.
Save Time: Quickly switch between networks without having to tweak wallet settings manually.
Broaden Access: Easily explore lesser-known or new blockchains without extensive setup procedures.
How to Connect Your Wallet Using Chainlist
Visit the .
Search for the blockchain network you wish to connect with.
Click on the “Connect Wallet” button next to your desired network.
Authorize the connection through your wallet’s interface, such as MetaMask.
Begin your crypto transactions on the selected network.
In summary, Chainlist serves as a crucial bridge between crypto users and blockchain networks, offering a simplified connection process that enhances both functionality and accessibility.
Welcome to Chain List: Your Comprehensive Blockchain Directory
Are you looking for a simple way to connect to different blockchain networks? Chain List offers a seamless solution, allowing users to discover and connect to thousands of blockchain networks rapidly and efficiently.
What is Chain List?
Chain List is a user-friendly platform designed to help cryptocurrency enthusiasts, developers, and investors explore various blockchain networks. With a focus on decentralized technologies, it provides a vast database of available networks, offering quick, reliable connections for users.
CharlesSeell –
Aerodrome Finance: Unlocking Potential for Growth
The world of aerodrome finance is pivotal for ensuring the efficient operation, enhancement, and expansion of aerodrome facilities globally. With the increasing demand for air travel, understanding aerodrome financial processes is more important than ever.
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Why Aerodrome Finance Matters
Aerodrome finance plays a critical role in the lifespan of airport projects, providing necessary funding from initial development to ongoing management. Here are key reasons why it matters:
Infrastructure Development: Secure financial backing enables the construction and maintenance of essential airport infrastructure.
Operational Efficiency: Adequate funding ensures that airports can operate smoothly, adapting to technological advancements and logistical demands.
Economic Growth: Airports serve as economic hubs; their development stimulates job creation and boosts local economies.
Aerodrome Finance Strategies
Various strategies can be employed to optimize aerodrome finance, ensuring both immediate and long-term benefits. Here are a few notable approaches:
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)
These partnerships combine public sector oversight and private sector efficiency, leading to shared risks and rewards. They facilitate diverse financial resources and innovative solutions for airport projects.
Revenue Diversification
Exploring non-aeronautical revenue streams, such as retail concessions and property leases, can significantly bolster an airport’s financial resilience. Such diversification allows for a steady income flow independent of ticket sales.
Sustainable Financing
Adopting sustainable financial practices, including green bonds and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria, aligns with modern ecological standards and attracts environmentally conscious investors.
Robertjok –
What is DeBridge Finance?
DeBridge Finance is an innovative solution designed to facilitate seamless cross-chain blockchain operations. It empowers developers and users by allowing the transfer of data and assets across different blockchain networks efficiently and securely.
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Key Features of DeBridge Finance
DeBridge Finance stands out due to its remarkable features which include:
Interoperability: The platform provides effective interoperability between multiple blockchains, eliminating the boundaries that exist.
Security: By leveraging advanced security protocols, DeBridge ensures the safe transit of data and assets.
Scalability: It is designed to handle a growing number of transactions without compromising on performance.
How Does DeBridge Finance Work?
DeBridge Finance operates through a combination of smart contracts and decentralized communication protocols. These components work together to authenticate and execute cross-chain data and asset transfers swiftly and securely.
Smart Contracts
The platform utilizes smart contracts to automate processes and ensure trustless operations across different chain environments.
Decentralized Communication
Communication across blockchains is made possible through a decentralized message protocol, enabling effective data sharing.
Benefits of Using DeBridge Finance
Choosing DeBridge Finance for cross-chain operations brings several advantages:
Cost-Effectiveness: By integrating various blockchains, it reduces the cost and complexity of using multiple networks.
Developer-Friendly: Offering robust tools and resources, DeBridge makes it easier for developers to build cross-chain applications.
Enhanced User Experience: Users benefit from smoother transactions without the need to switch between different network interfaces.
Stevennop –
Unlock the Power of Eigenlayer
As the blockchain landscape evolves, Eigenlayer emerges as a beacon of innovation, offering robust solutions to enhance blockchain security and customization. But what exactly does Eigenlayer bring to the table?
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Revolutionizing Blockchain Security
Security is paramount in the blockchain world, and Eigenlayer takes this seriously. By leveraging state-of-the-art technology, Eigenlayer provides an unparalleled layer of protection for blockchain protocols. This ensures that transactions are not only secure but also reliable.
Advanced Encryption: Protects data integrity and confidentiality.
Scalable Solutions: Ensures that security measures grow with your network’s demand.
Customization like Never Before
One of the most compelling features of Eigenlayer is its customization capabilities. Understanding that each blockchain project has unique needs, Eigenlayer offers a flexible architecture allowing projects to tailor solutions to their specific requirements.
Modular Design: Adapts to various use cases without sacrificing performance.
Interoperability: Seamlessly integrates with existing blockchain systems.
Empowering Blockchain Ecosystems
By providing these advanced features, Eigenlayer doesn’t just offer protection and customization; it empowers blockchain developers to push the boundaries of what’s possible. With Eigenlayer, the limitations often faced in blockchain scalability and security are becoming a thing of the past.
Whether you are a developer seeking better security solutions or an entrepreneur aiming to launch your blockchain project with tailor-made features, Eigenlayer provides the tools and the support you need to succeed in the competitive digital landscape.
Explore the potential of Eigenlayer today, and step into the future of blockchain technology with a partner committed to your success.
Jeromedrary –
Optimize your trades across hundreds of DEXes on multiple networks
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1inch Exchange is a decentralized exchange aggregator. It searches multiple DEXs to find the most efficient path for your trade, thus minimizing costs and maximizing returns. By splitting your transaction into parts and executing them across different platforms, 1inch achieves the best possible market rates.
Explore the 1inch Network: The Future of DeFi
The 1inch Network stands at the forefront of decentralized finance (DeFi), offering traders highly efficient cryptocurrency swap solutions across multiple platforms. This introduction to 1inch will guide you through its features, benefits, and the impact it’s making in the crypto trading ecosystem.
What Makes 1inch Unique?
1inch is renowned for being a decentralized exchange aggregator. It sources liquidity from various exchanges to offer users the best possible rates. By splitting orders across multiple platforms, 1inch minimizes slippage and maximizes the value from each trade.
Core Components of 1inch
1inch Aggregation Protocol: A sophisticated routing mechanism that finds the most efficient swapping paths across multiple decentralized exchanges.
1inch Liquidity Protocol: An automated market maker (AMM) that operates in a gas-efficient way, allowing users to provide liquidity and earn a portion of trades.
1inch DAO: A decentralized autonomous organization that allows token holders to participate in the governance of the network.
Benefits of Utilizing 1inch
By tapping into 1inch’s ecosystem, traders gain access to:
Optimal Rates: The cutting-edge algorithm ensures you’re always getting the best prices available.
Security and Trust: As a non-custodial service, your funds remain under your control at all times.
Reduced Slippage: Smart order routing minimizes discrepancies in pricing.
Community-Driven: Participate in the governance processes thanks to the 1inch DAO.
Brianfat –
Explore the Innovative World of PancakeSwap Finance
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PancakeSwap is a leading decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies, participate in yield farming, and more. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of features, PancakeSwap has become a popular choice for cryptocurrency enthusiasts.
Why Choose PancakeSwap?
Here are several reasons why PancakeSwap stands out among other DeFi platforms:
Cost Efficiency: Transaction fees on PancakeSwap are significantly lower compared to traditional centralized exchanges.
Security: As a decentralized platform, PancakeSwap offers enhanced security by eliminating the need for intermediaries.
Community-Driven: PancakeSwap is built on the Binance Smart Chain and actively involves its community in the platform’s development.
Key Features of PancakeSwap
PancakeSwap provides a plethora of features designed to enhance the trading and investing experience of its users. Here are some noteworthy functionalities:
1. Decentralized Exchange (DEX)
PancakeSwap enables users to swap BEP-20 tokens without relying on a centralized exchange. This feature facilitates seamless trading without compromising on speed or security.
2. Yield Farming
User can engage in yield farming to earn rewards. By providing liquidity to the exchange, participants can earn CAKE, PancakeSwap’s native token, boosting their holdings.
3. Lottery
The platform hosts a lottery where participants can buy tickets with CAKE for a chance to win substantial rewards. This adds an element of fun and potential profit-making opportunities.
4. NFTs
PancakeSwap also delves into the realm of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), allowing users to purchase and exchange digital collectibles, adding versatility to their investment options.
FreddieLen –
How to Securely Log Into Debank: A Step-by-Step Guide
Logging into your Debank account is the first step towards managing your DeFi portfolio. Ensuring that your login credentials remain secure is crucial for protecting your investments. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of logging into Debank safely and efficiently.
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Step 1: Visit the Official Debank Website
Start by navigating to the official Debank website. Avoid using search engine results to prevent phishing attacks. The URL should be .
Step 2: Click on the Login Button
On the homepage, locate the Login button usually positioned at the top right corner of the page. Click on it to proceed to the login page.
Step 3: Enter Your Credentials
Input your registered email address and password. Ensure your password is strong, combining letters, numbers, and symbols to enhance security.
Step 4: Two-Factor Authentication
It’s recommended to enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for an additional security layer. This can be done using an app like Google Authenticator. Enter the code generated by your 2FA app to continue.
Step 5: Secure Your Account
Regularly Update Your Password: Change your password every 3-6 months.
Use a Password Manager: Helps store and recall complex passwords without difficulty.
Monitor Account Activity: Regularly check for any unauthorized access or activity.
Additional Tips for Staying Safe Online
Be vigilant about where you input your credentials. Always ensure that you have a secure and reliable internet connection. Avoid accessing your Debank account on public Wi-Fi networks, which might be unsecured.
By following these guidelines, you can enhance the security of your Debank login process and safeguard your investments effectively. Stay aware of the latest security practices and updates from Debank to keep your account secure.
ThomasdeD –
Base is for everyone.
Base Bridge is a cutting-edge solution facilitating smooth transfers between different blockchain networks. By creating a seamless link, it reduces the complexity and cost of blockchain transactions.
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What is Base Bridge?
Base Bridge is a cutting-edge solution facilitating smooth transfers between different blockchain networks. By creating a seamless link, it reduces the complexity and cost of blockchain transactions.
Key Features of Base Bridge
Interoperability: Connects multiple blockchain networks, allowing for smooth asset exchange.
Cost Efficiency: Reduces transaction fees significantly.
Security: Leverages advanced encryption to protect transactions.
Scalability: Easily adapts to increasing volumes of transactions without compromising speed.
Benefits of Using Base Bridge
Incorporating Base Bridge into your blockchain strategy offers numerous benefits:
Simplified Transactions: Eliminates the need for complicated cross-chain processes.
Faster Settlements: Enjoy quicker transaction confirmations.
Cost-Effective Operations: Lower fees mean more sustainable transactions.
Improved Security: Benefit from enhanced protection against fraud and hacking.