

Трояндова вода


180 грн.

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Трояндова вода (Rosa Flower Water) – водний розчин компонентів ефірної олії троянди, прозора рідина з ароматом свіжозірваної квітки. Являє собою продукт парової дистиляції квітів дамаської троянди (Rosa damascena Mill.).

Надає шкірі пружність, свіжість і еластичність, усуває сухість, лущення, відчуття стягнутості шкіри, подразнення, запалення. Трояндова вода — це природний, ароматний антисептик, регулярне застосування якого допоможе зберегти шкіру молодою і красивою на довгі роки. Компреси з трояндової води сприяють розсмоктуванню «мішків» під очима, усунення темних кіл і знімають напругу втомлених очей.

У стародавній медицині троянду називали царицею квітів, символом класичної краси. Цілющі властивості троянди описував Авіценна і Гіппократ. Трояндова вода, виготовлена з пелюсток троянд, зберігає властивості троянди і отримала широке застосування.
Трояндова вода застосовувалася як засіб, що освіжає та охолоджує шкіру ще з часів Давнього Єгипту.

Дія гідролату така сама, як у ефірної олії троянди, але застосовувати його можна в чистому вигляді. Додавання трояндової води води в ванну сприяє розслабленню і відновленню сил. У післяпологовий період рекомендуються сидячі ванни з рожевою водою.

Зволожує шкіру, регенерує, розгладжує зморшки, в тому числі мімічні, підвищує еластичність шкіри, нормалізує секрецію, дезодорує, вирівнює тон шкіри, звужує пори, усуває стресові і алергічні реакції на шкірі. Гідролат троянди використовують в чистому вигляді як натуральний тонік для обличчя, заспокійливий лосьйон після гоління або епіляції, рожевою водою можна знімати макіяж.

Корисно розпорошувати на шкіру обличчя, шиї та зони декольте трохи рожевої води перед нанесенням денного крему. Компреси з гідролатом троянди допомагають позбутися від дерматитів, знімають свербіж від укусів комах, заспокоюють шкіру після засмаги.

Косметичні властивості для шкіри:
– очищення і тонізація,
– стимулювання процесу відновлення клітин,
– розгладження зморшок,
– зміцнення капілярів,
– надає сяйво,
– вирівнює колір обличчя,
– підвищує тонус,
– освіжає епідерміс,
– звужує пори,
– підсилює властивості крему, нанесеного після гідролату,
– надає anti-age – ефект,
– усуває набряки,
– сприяє зняттю подразнень і запалень,
– покращує мікроциркуляцію крові,
– нормалізація роботи сальних залоз,
– антисептичну дію.

Косметичні властивості для волосся:
– зволожує і живить,
– стимулююча дія,
– зміцнює коріння волосся,
– підходить для боротьби з лупою,
– рекомендується для лікування запалень шкіри голови.

Способи використання гідролату м’яти для шкіри обличчя та волосся:

– в якості тоніка: протерти ватним диском для видалення залишків засобу для чищення та водопровідної води, при бажанні зробити повторно і залишити на шкірі.
– для розведення масок (в тому числі і альгінатних), убтанів: розвести маску / Убтан / глину чистим гідролатом до консистенції сметани;
– для збагачення косметичних засобів: додати необхідну кількість гідролату в шампунь, бальзам, скраб і т.д .;
– як косметичний лід: заморозити гідролат в спеціальній формі для льоду, протирати шкіру для звуження пор і підтяжки;
– використання для волосся: розпорошити на шкіру голови, провести масаж протягом 10-15 хвилин;
– для тонізації і ароматерапії: додати гідролат в воду при прийнятті ванни

Гідролат троянди




Hey everyone! If you’re as obsessed with cinnamon as I am, you’ve probably wondered about the different types of cinnamon and how to use them. It turns out, not all cinnamon is created equal, and learning about the varieties can really elevate your cooking, baking, and even health game.

Let’s start with the basics. The two most common types are Ceylon cinnamon (known as “true cinnamon”) and Cassia cinnamon. Both have their unique flavor profiles and uses, but they also differ in health benefits. If you’re asking, “Which type of cinnamon is healthiest?” Ceylon wins the crown. It contains lower levels of coumarin, a compound that can be harmful in large amounts. This makes it a better choice if you use cinnamon daily, especially for health purposes.

Cassia cinnamon, on the other hand, is more affordable and has a stronger, spicier flavor. It’s perfect for recipes like cinnamon rolls or hearty stews where you want a bold kick. Meanwhile, Ceylon’s milder, sweeter taste makes it ideal for teas, desserts, or even a sprinkle on your oatmeal.

I also love experimenting with cinnamon powder, which is super versatile. It’s a pantry staple for spicing up coffee, smoothies, or baked goods, but did you know it’s also amazing in savory dishes like curries and roasted vegetables?

Understanding the different types of cinnamon can completely transform how you use this spice. If you’re as intrigued as I was, dive into blogs that explore the history, benefits, and creative uses of cinnamon. Trust me, it’s worth geeking out over this ancient superfood.

What’s your go-to type of cinnamon?

Let’s swap tips—I’d love to hear how you use it!


Discover Ethena: The Future of DeFi Innovation
In the rapidly growing world of decentralized finance (DeFi), Ethena is emerging as a leading platform. It offers a secure, decentralized environment where users can access financial products like staking, lending, and yield farming—all powered by blockchain technology.
Why Ethena is Important for DeFi
Ethena represents the next evolution of DeFi. Unlike traditional finance, where banks and institutions control the flow of capital, Ethena allows individuals to retain full ownership of their assets. This decentralized approach eliminates intermediaries, reduces costs, and creates a more inclusive financial system.

How Does Ethena Work?
The Ethena ecosystem provides a suite of decentralized financial products that cater to both investors and developers. Users can stake their crypto assets to earn rewards, participate in governance decisions through the Ethena Fi token, and engage in liquidity pools to maximize their returns.

Key Benefits of Ethena:
Control: Users have total control over their digital assets and financial decisions, thanks to Ethena’s decentralized nature.
Security: Ethena utilizes blockchain security to protect users from hacks and fraud.
Optimized Returns: Yield farming on Ethena is designed to maximize earnings, helping users get the most out of their investments.
For anyone looking to invest in DeFi, Ethena offers an easy-to-use, secure, and innovative platform that is reshaping how we think about financial transactions in the digital age.



Hey everyone! If you’re as obsessed with cinnamon as I am, you’ve probably wondered about the different types of cinnamon and how to use them. It turns out, not all cinnamon is created equal, and learning about the varieties can really elevate your cooking, baking, and even health game.

Let’s start with the basics. The two most common types are Ceylon cinnamon (known as “true cinnamon”) and Cassia cinnamon. Both have their unique flavor profiles and uses, but they also differ in health benefits. If you’re asking, “Which type of cinnamon is healthiest?” Ceylon wins the crown. It contains lower levels of coumarin, a compound that can be harmful in large amounts. This makes it a better choice if you use cinnamon daily, especially for health purposes.

Cassia cinnamon, on the other hand, is more affordable and has a stronger, spicier flavor. It’s perfect for recipes like cinnamon rolls or hearty stews where you want a bold kick. Meanwhile, Ceylon’s milder, sweeter taste makes it ideal for teas, desserts, or even a sprinkle on your oatmeal.

I also love experimenting with cinnamon powder, which is super versatile. It’s a pantry staple for spicing up coffee, smoothies, or baked goods, but did you know it’s also amazing in savory dishes like curries and roasted vegetables?

Understanding the different types of cinnamon can completely transform how you use this spice. If you’re as intrigued as I was, dive into blogs that explore the history, benefits, and creative uses of cinnamon. Trust me, it’s worth geeking out over this ancient superfood.

What’s your go-to type of cinnamon?

Let’s swap tips—I’d love to hear how you use it!



Hey everyone! If you’re as obsessed with cinnamon as I am, you’ve probably wondered about the different types of cinnamon and how to use them. It turns out, not all cinnamon is created equal, and learning about the varieties can really elevate your cooking, baking, and even health game.

Let’s start with the basics. The two most common types are Ceylon cinnamon (known as “true cinnamon”) and Cassia cinnamon. Both have their unique flavor profiles and uses, but they also differ in health benefits. If you’re asking, “Which type of cinnamon is healthiest?” Ceylon wins the crown. It contains lower levels of coumarin, a compound that can be harmful in large amounts. This makes it a better choice if you use cinnamon daily, especially for health purposes.

Cassia cinnamon, on the other hand, is more affordable and has a stronger, spicier flavor. It’s perfect for recipes like cinnamon rolls or hearty stews where you want a bold kick. Meanwhile, Ceylon’s milder, sweeter taste makes it ideal for teas, desserts, or even a sprinkle on your oatmeal.

I also love experimenting with cinnamon powder, which is super versatile. It’s a pantry staple for spicing up coffee, smoothies, or baked goods, but did you know it’s also amazing in savory dishes like curries and roasted vegetables?

Understanding the different types of cinnamon can completely transform how you use this spice. If you’re as intrigued as I was, dive into blogs that explore the history, benefits, and creative uses of cinnamon. Trust me, it’s worth geeking out over this ancient superfood.

What’s your go-to type of cinnamon?

Let’s swap tips—I’d love to hear how you use it!



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Hey everyone! If you’re as obsessed with cinnamon as I am, you’ve probably wondered about the different types of cinnamon and how to use them. It turns out, not all cinnamon is created equal, and learning about the varieties can really elevate your cooking, baking, and even health game.

Let’s start with the basics. The two most common types are Ceylon cinnamon (known as “true cinnamon”) and Cassia cinnamon. Both have their unique flavor profiles and uses, but they also differ in health benefits. If you’re asking, “Which type of cinnamon is healthiest?” Ceylon wins the crown. It contains lower levels of coumarin, a compound that can be harmful in large amounts. This makes it a better choice if you use cinnamon daily, especially for health purposes.

Cassia cinnamon, on the other hand, is more affordable and has a stronger, spicier flavor. It’s perfect for recipes like cinnamon rolls or hearty stews where you want a bold kick. Meanwhile, Ceylon’s milder, sweeter taste makes it ideal for teas, desserts, or even a sprinkle on your oatmeal.

I also love experimenting with cinnamon powder, which is super versatile. It’s a pantry staple for spicing up coffee, smoothies, or baked goods, but did you know it’s also amazing in savory dishes like curries and roasted vegetables?

Understanding the different types of cinnamon can completely transform how you use this spice. If you’re as intrigued as I was, dive into blogs that explore the history, benefits, and creative uses of cinnamon. Trust me, it’s worth geeking out over this ancient superfood.

What’s your go-to type of cinnamon?

Let’s swap tips—I’d love to hear how you use it!


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Hey everyone! If you’re as obsessed with cinnamon as I am, you’ve probably wondered about the different types of cinnamon and how to use them. It turns out, not all cinnamon is created equal, and learning about the varieties can really elevate your cooking, baking, and even health game.

Let’s start with the basics. The two most common types are Ceylon cinnamon (known as “true cinnamon”) and Cassia cinnamon. Both have their unique flavor profiles and uses, but they also differ in health benefits. If you’re asking, “Which type of cinnamon is healthiest?” Ceylon wins the crown. It contains lower levels of coumarin, a compound that can be harmful in large amounts. This makes it a better choice if you use cinnamon daily, especially for health purposes.

Cassia cinnamon, on the other hand, is more affordable and has a stronger, spicier flavor. It’s perfect for recipes like cinnamon rolls or hearty stews where you want a bold kick. Meanwhile, Ceylon’s milder, sweeter taste makes it ideal for teas, desserts, or even a sprinkle on your oatmeal.

I also love experimenting with cinnamon powder, which is super versatile. It’s a pantry staple for spicing up coffee, smoothies, or baked goods, but did you know it’s also amazing in savory dishes like curries and roasted vegetables?

Understanding the different types of cinnamon can completely transform how you use this spice. If you’re as intrigued as I was, dive into blogs that explore the history, benefits, and creative uses of cinnamon. Trust me, it’s worth geeking out over this ancient superfood.

What’s your go-to type of cinnamon?

Let’s swap tips—I’d love to hear how you use it!


The Australian city that became a global food and drink powerhouse
[url=https://www.business-gazeta.ru/news/533515]смотреть жесткое порно[/url]
Sydney or Melbourne? It’s the great Australian city debate, one which pits the commerce, business and money of Sydney against cultural, arts-loving, coffee-drinking Melbourne.

While picking one can be tricky, there’s no denying that Australia’s second city, home to 5.2 million people, has a charm all of its own.

Melburnians (never Melbournites) get to enjoy a place where nature is close by, urban delights are readily available and the food and drink scene isn’t just the best in Australia, but also one of the finest in the world.
There’s no better way to start a trip to Melbourne than with a proper cup of coffee. Coffee is serious stuff here, with no room for a weak, burnt or flavorless brew. The history of coffee in Melbourne goes back to the years after World War II, when Italian immigrants arrived and brought their machines with them.

Within 30 years, a thriving cafe scene had developed and, as the 21st century dawned, the city had become the epicenter of a new global coffee culture. The iconic Pellegrini’s on Bourke Street and Mario’s in the Fitzroy neighborhood are the best old-school hangouts, while Market Lane helped lead the way in bringing Melbourne’s modern-day coffee scene to the masses.
Kate Reid is the best person to speak with about Melbourne’s coffee obsession. The founder of Lune Croissanterie, she was once a Formula 1 design engineer and has brought her expertise and precision to crafting the world’s best croissant, as well as knowing how to brew a coffee, and specifically a flat white, just the way it should be.

“Good coffee is just ingrained in everyday culture for every single Melburnian now,” says Reid. “I think that that peak of pretentious specialty coffee has come and gone, and now it’s just come down to a level of a really high standard everywhere.”

That’s clear when she pours a flat white. Describing herself as a perfectionist, the way she froths the milk and tends to the cup is a sight to behold.

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